The Astrology chart of the United States, Inauguration Day, 2017
by Julie Kelly
The Astrology Chart for the 2017 Presidential Inauguration has a Sun in Aquarius and a Taurus Rising, representing 2/3 of the total makeup of the chart for the incoming government. This reading will begin with covering these aspects and will include planetary influences from the Tenth and Eleventh houses.
The Inaugural Chart also has its moon in the sign of Scorpio and represents the last 1/3 of the chart’s personality. The second half of this reading will address this aspect while referencing the influences of both the Sixth and Ninth houses.
The Astrology chart for the 2017 Presidential Inauguration has a Sun in Aquarius and a Taurus Rising (ascendant), representing 2/3 of the total makeup of the chart of the incoming government. These two signs are quite different in their intentions and in their behaviors. Aquarius and Taurus are both fixed signs.
Aquarius can be a fixed mental belief or perspective, can have trouble changing its mind, and represents the country’s own assessment of who it believes it is. The future in technology, inventions, equality, the acceptance of individuality, unusual and/or new behaviors, unusual and/or new directions, are all Aquarian expressions.
Earth signs are very conservative, and Taurus is the sign of tradition in areas of the material and financial realms. Control over these two realms is the overriding goal of Taurus. The rising sign, or ascendant, represents the first impression our country presents to others. It may not be who we are, but it will certainly be how we are perceived. Taurus can seem traditional and conservative, both of which Aquarius is at odds with — with the old, with traditional, with conservative or outmoded choices borne of Taurian thinking. Aquarius wants to shake things up, and Taurus wants to keep things as they have always been.
This up-in-coming inauguration is distinct in that it occurs near the beginning of a new 30 year cycle for US. The choices we as a country makes now, at the beginning of this cycle, will set the natural expression of our government and it’s goals in these categories for the next 29 years of a 30 year cycle, which started November 5, 2015.
The new US government will present a different face to the world than the one the world has been accustomed to. It will be conservative, patriarchal, and in want of control. This Capricornian face can be fixed, intolerant, overbearing, dictatorial, and domineering.
The positive potentials in this cycle are that the United States government will express an Aquarian leadership, which would be open-minded, future-thinking, fair for all, and provide the positive aspects (practical, realistic, thorough) of Taurian planning based on facts. Aquarius’s greatest gift is the ability to accept and work with all kinds of different people, and it commonly does in the most insightful and constructive of ways, always working toward a common goal. Taurus, being realistic and pragmatic, usually delivers what it promises. It has keen business and financial abilities that, when working toward a common good, can benefit all.
House Number Ten
The new US government will present a different face to the world than the one the world has been accustomed to. It will be conservative, patriarchal, and in want of control. This Capricornian face can be fixed, intolerant, overbearing, dictatorial, and domineering. Looking at this face from a positive perspective, Capricorn has the potential for being realistic, mature, patient, and willing to do the right thing no matter how much effort is required. The presence of Capricorn, however — which represents our public persona, our intentions, and how we handle responsibilities — is a dominant one in the sign of Aquarius: a sign that brings surprises, bizarre behavior, a desire to shake things up and a desire move in new and unexpected directions.
Aquarius is a sign with it’s own inner dichotomies, ruled by both Uranus, the new-age planet of change, and Saturn, the planet of tradition, challenges, blocks and problems. Both these planets can be critical of others, exceptionally distant, and lacking in empathy. It is these latter qualities which will likely be the face presented to the nation and the world by the incoming administration.
House Number Eleven
The political house of this chart is very challenging as well. In this area, Aries stands square in the doorway. Aries more positively represents the courage to start anew, but Aries can also be impulsive and impatient, making decisions before all facts are in, and it can lose interest in its own projects and objectives before completion. It can also change course at any moment and leave loose ends at every turn.
Perhaps most difficult of all is that the entire sign of Pisces is intercepted in the political house of the US, with three planets, the South Node, and Chiron, all there in Pisces. Intercepted signs represent energies that are harder for us to use, see, or access. Pisces is Karma. Pisces is delusions and unrealistic views. Pisces is poor decisions based on the projection of hopes and wishes on circumstance, as opposed to the more realistic dealings in what actually is, dealings that take into account the totality of facts. With Mars in Pisces, the new administration could imaginably take unrealistic action borne of sheer delusion or the misrepresentation of truth. On the positive side, Mars in Pisces might allow the new government to take action with much compassion and empathy for others, with the potential for longterm goals aligning with the spiritual, artistic, healing, or visionary.
Venus in this same house represents how we deal with money and relationships. Venus in Pisces shows a government unsure of what it wants, much less needs, in the area of money and relationships, or it might again be unwilling to face concrete realities in these two areas. Venus in Pisces can make decisions about money or cooperation based on projected hopes and wishes, not the facts. On the other hand, Venus in Pisces has the potential to show tremendous generosity, compassion and empathy for others, and can feel spiritually connected, strive to heal others, and focus cash and other resources toward elevating the less fortunate.
A further complicating aspect is Chiron in this same house, which indicates that if there are problems politically, it will be the fault of the government or the people of the US, not outside entities, but Chiron will only create problems if we betray our moral/ethical political standards.
Neptune, also in House Eleven, is a planet synonymous with Pisces and can represent the karmic consequences of incorrect or improper decisions. Its placement in the Eleventh House indicates we, the US, may get exactly what we deserve, largely due to a lack of clarity or objectivity, even honesty, which unfortunately will only increase the tendency toward unrealistic, disappointing and troublesome decisions and reactions that proportionally ramp up adverse karmic experiences/consequences, not only for the government but for the people. What this placement demands is careful thinking, realistic decision making, clear direction and a focused attention to facts. It also requires a lighter, loving, more creative approach to its comprehensive dealings.
A further complicating aspect is Chiron in this same house, which indicates that if there are problems politically, it will be the fault of the government or the people of the US, not outside entities, but Chiron will only create problems if we betray our moral/ethical political standards.
Chiron is also in the South Node. The South Node represents the actions we take that drain our energy and get us nowhere. South Node in Pisces indicates a lack of objectivity and a lack of attention to the facts, the tendency not to ask questions, and to accept things too easily while simultaneously projecting our hopes and wishes onto situations unrealistically. Pisces represents confusion, and it is often unclear in explanations. This confusion of presentation and direction will leave the public uncertain about the real politics, intentions, and platforms of the new government.
The answer for this new government would be a strong adherence to the facts, deeper and more thorough analyses and more attention to details. It must avoid lying, falsely projecting, assuming or deluding even itself. More Virgo and Leo energy are the astrological answers to positive growth for this new government. Virgo equals careful factual analyses, attention to detail, organized planning and a desire to serve and to improve; Leo equals more heart, generosity, tolerance, art, pleasure, a desire to laugh, love and live life creatively. Virgo is the sign of this chart’s North Node, and Leo is the house it is placed in. Together, the energies they represent are the answers to real growth, happiness, self respect, and enjoyment for the government and the people of the US.
The Sixth House
The Inaugural chart has its moon in the sign of Scorpio and represents the last 1/3 of the chart’s personality, it’s feelings, emotions, and its goals for personal security. The Sixth House represents our work relationships, job planning, efficiency and organization. The Moon in Scorpio is reluctant to reveal its real intentions in these same areas. Remember, the Scorpion would rather sting its opponent, or even itself, rather than be exposed, so this presents one more complicating aspect of the chart.
More Virgo and Leo energy are the astrological answers to positive growth for this new government. Virgo equals careful factual analyses, attention to detail, organized planning and a desire to serve and to improve; Leo equals more heart, generosity, tolerance, art, pleasure, a desire to laugh, love and live life creatively.
Scorpio is another fixed sign, a sign of wanting power and control over sex, over money and the resources of others. Scorpio more positively is a sign of transformation, a deep and intense shifting of energy that ends something old and begins anew. House number six is a business house. Scorpio there can change this area completely, the organization and the efficiency of business as usual, including our business relationships with others. This may or may not prove problematic depending on which aspect of Scorpio prevails.
House Number Nine
House Number Nine is our policy toward other countries, and it also represents how other countries see us as a singular nation. This chart has the sign of Capricorn in House Nine, and Capricorn is the sign of the patriarchy, big business, corporations, and control over decisions. It is the sign of the boss and leadership. Traditionally, it is a cold sign, divorced from feelings and empathy, distant and authoritarian, focused only on business and material success. The positive Capricorn is a mature, patient realist who learned from hard lessons and, moving forward, makes an effort to always do the right thing, no matter the effort.
This is merely an overview of what I think are the most important aspects of the 2017 Inauguration chart, representing the hopes, wishes, intentions, behaviors and experiences of both the government and the people of the United States in this new cycle. The North Node in every chart always represents the correct solution to any problems the chart presents. Developing and using the nodal offers the correct way ahead for each US citizen, toward their own personal growth and fulfillment, and puts the country’s best energy forward.
Virgo represents a facing toward our tangible realities, which essentially means closely analyzing and working with the truth of those realities to discover the most efficient and beneficial approach forward. Virgo files off the rough edges and sets a smoother path. Virgo does not take action based ESP, conjecture, hopes or wishes. It takes action based solely on realistic facts. Virgo rates and critiques things to discover where improvement is needed. Virgo is motivated by the intention to offer service to others and create simplicity and health in life.
Leo represents the heart, generosity, tolerance, all forms of love, art, pleasure, parties, creative expression, any experience that relieves stress, children, and our own inner child. Leo loves with an open heart, appreciates the handiwork of the natural world and finds something awesome in each day. Leo is motivated by the desire for love and enjoyment, both for themselves and others.
These two signs, Virgo and Leo, represent the energies that the US government, and it’s people, need to focus in on, develop and express, to get through what promises for many to be a very challenging cycle.
The future direction of the US depends now on the intentions and platforms of the majority party and, critically, the Intentions and Actions of the US people.
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