Reviewed by Ian Frazier
Perilous Bounty: The Looming Collapse of American Farming and How We Can Prevent It
by Tom Philpott
Bloomsbury, 246 pp., $28.00; $17.00 (paper)
The Farmer’s Lawyer: The North Dakota Nine and the Fight to Save the Family Farm
by Sarah Vogel
Bloomsbury, 407 pp., $19.89
We are eating a big hole in the middle of the Midwest and sucking up California’s ancient aquifers until the land collapses like an empty juice box. The awe that new arrivals from other countries feel when they see the bounty in a US supermarket is an illusion—more like what one might experience when stepping from a cold night into a nice, warm house where they’re burning the furniture. In short, we are plundering the natural sources of our food production and can’t go on this way. [Read more…]