by Anthony Hassett (3 of 3)
And the order among them was very strange, for they worship a cow, and they have idols in the woods. Some be like a monkey, and some like the devil.
Here I saw one which was a monster
with a great spot of red on his forehead.
He prayed in the water naked, and many
of the people came and touched his feet
with their hands.
He would have nothing upon him,
his beard being long so the hair
of his head would cover his privities,
twisted as they were about a stick,
for his body was of that bigness
that four men must bent him down
with pikes or cow-staves, and strike him
hard on the head to kill him.
Anthony Hassett is a poet, illustrator, and the author of Gazette. The first two poems in this series can be read here: Centra Coronalis and Cosmography
The New Word is a poetry submission column. Poems should be no more that 300 words, with a maximum grouping of three related poems. Before submitting, please make sure every word has been considered and the poem has been edited to the very syllable, to the rhythms of each sound and step.
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